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Start your creative journey today with my Skillshare art tutorial. This lesson covers the basics, from which supplies to use, to colour theory, to painting your very first small simple painting. 

Click on the button below to create your 30 day free trial with Skillshare. Throughout 2023 I will be releasing new art tutorials so have a browse through my other tutorials too. 

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You can now rent my art tutorials for 72 hours! 

Click back to the home page by clicking on the 'Artist Kate Field' in the top left of your screen- my very first video is now available to purchase. When you decide to buy and watch my video you will have 72 hours. This allows you to follow along, and then rewatch it and remind yourself of all of the little tips and tricks you will learn about colour, colour theory, painting an object and much more. 

If you are totally new to painting, a great way to start would be to watch my "Acrylic painting: a beginners creative journey", there is so much to learn!


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